Jasper Visser | OUR CURATORS

Jasper Visser travels around the world as a ‘change agent’ for the cultural and heritage-sector, including quite a few museums. He occupies himself with digital engagement, co-creation and gamification and he has helped quite a few museums with a digital strategy… Even one in Qatar! Besides that he is an avid reader.

Website of Jasper Visser

Jasper Visser

Picks by Jasper Visser

With Our Own Hands

With Our Own Hands by Frederik van Oudenhoven and Jamilla Haider sits in between an amazing cook book and an intriguing history of the Pamir Mountains. There, high up in the mountains between Afghanistan and Tadzjikistan, people have developed a unique (food) culture as they have been entirely self-sufficient for generations. The many images offer the book its third and final function: that of a culinary travel guide.

Spanish Masters

The Hermitage in Amsterdam acts like the Prado from Madrid in the exhibition Spanish Masters. The art of (my) favorites such as Goya and El Greco may be beautiful, but it is especially the free soundtrack that makes the visitor's trip to the exhibition worthwhile. DJ Von Rosenthal made a superb mix of flamenco and classical music, temporarily transforming the centre of Amsterdam into the centre of Sevilla.