In 1905 Pablo Picasso resided shortly in Schoorl, Hoorn and Alkmaar. Despite the fact that he only stayed here for several weeks, this journey played a role in his artistic practice.
For this focus exhibition, the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar got four rare artifacts on loan that Picasso produced in the Netherlands: two sketchbooks from the collection of Musée Picasso in paris, the gouache Les Trois Hollandaises from the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the gouache La Belle Hollandaise from the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane, Australia. They are supplemented by documentation such as photographs, pictures, lettres, documents and ‘Picasso’s chair’. For the first time in history, everything that Picasso made in Holland is now on display together.
di - zo : 11.00 - 17.00
Visitors about the Picasso in Holland