Move On

Kröller-Müller Museum | 26/11/2016 - 23/04/2017

Move On presents sculptures that are capable of movement, sometimes literally, often imagined.

The presentation features work from the collection by Gerrit van Bakel, Tom Claassen, Constant, Martin van Oel, Panamarenko and Carel Visser.

Gerrit van Bakel utilizes the forces of nature, Panamarenko tries to defy gravity and air resistance and in the fifties and sixties, Constant works on New Babylon, a futuristic city that represents a new society.

WHEN 26/11/2016 - 23/04/2017
WHERE | See on Google Maps Houtkampweg 6
6731 AW Otterlo
+31 (0)318 591241
krollermuller.nlOPENING HOURS

Di - Zo : 10.00 - 17.00

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