Gerrit Willem van Blaaderen – Modernist in Bergen

Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar | 27/02/2016 - 28/08/2016

Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar presents an overview of Gerrit Willem van Blaaderen’s work (1873-1935) with landscapes, still lives and travel impressions. Extra special is the large number of privately owned paintings that can now be seen by the public at large.

Van Blaaderen was greatly inspired by the impressionist Alfred Sisley, post impressionist Paul Cézanne and the French work of Vincent van Gogh.

Initially, he developed into an impressionist, but after moving to Bergen in 1921 he let the visual language of expressionist artists from the Bergen’s School inspire him. The language is characterised by strong, angular shapes in saturated colours and heavy contrasts.


WHEN 27/02/2016 - 28/08/2016
WHERE | See on Google Maps Canadaplein 1
1811 KE Alkmaar
+31 (0)72 5489789
stedelijkmuseumalkmaar.nlOPENING HOURS

di - zo : 11.00 - 17.00

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