The collection of the Zeeuws Museum consists of 30.000 art treasures that remind of Zeeland’s past. With its beautiful, contemporary presentations, the museum shows an unexpected aspect of Zeeland and portrays its history in an original manner. Experience the Eighty Year’s war through a series of unique and world famous tapestries from 16th century naval combat, or explore the historical collection of the Royal Zeeuwsch Association of Sciences. This collection comprises extraordinary objects such as a small dragon and an ivory pocket sundial. Apart from historical artifacts, the collection contains contemporary art from the province of Zeeland, featuring amongst others the work of Marinus Boezem and Jan van Munster. The museum also organizes innovative exhibitions that set out to find new ways to present the collection.
Tue - Sun : 11.00 - 17.00
Closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.Open during the following holidays: Easter, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Whit Monday, Second Day of Christmas.
Visitors about the Zeeuws Museum